What to do when your IP phone cannot connect to the calls?

What to do when your IP phone cannot connect to the calls?

With the growing technology today, failure in any sector may be less prevalent. Because our online connections are stronger today than ever, issues are still expected.

Cloud business phone service are fully dependent on internet connections to operate. Yet, achieving familiarity with typical network troubleshooting techniques. For this, you need to know about the causes of interruptions or complete outages. This can help businesses fix some of the simpler connection problems that are anticipated.

For example, power failures, internet outages, poor network connections, and sometimes network overload can result in network failure. Business phone users encounter well-known problems: jitters, stutters, quality problems, and packet loss. These have to be taken care of as these interruptions can easily impact your internet calling system and, consequently, the business.

Let us list out the basic causes for the issues in the business phone solution;

Causes of Internet Calling Issues:

As we know that many businesses rely on their business phone network as their main hub of communication with customers and also for internal discussions. It is important to guarantee that your phone network never fails. If it ever happens, you should be able to get it up and to run again as quickly as possible.

Network Issues Caused by Cables:

When troubleshooting any issue, you must start with the simplest answers possible before moving up to the sophisticated ones. Despite the fact that wireless tools are entering the commercial world very fast, many firms still rely on hardwired connections.

For example, you find a modem connected to its source by a cable in a basic setup for internet access. And in turn, the modem will be connected to a router by a cable as well. So, your computers will be connected to the same network (sometimes through a series of routers), still connected by cables. Then, the final stage is to connect PCs to the network. We can do the same wirelessly, but a cable will undoubtedly be involved at some point.

Cable Connections must be Secure:

While any issue in a wireless network cannot be expected, the cables used to connect your devices can be one of the most basic causes of a bad network connection. Therefore, it seems important to verify every connection of all your cords. Also, you can reduce jitter and latency and clear splitters by safeguarding cable connections.

No matter what the data priorities are, adding a jitter buffer guarantees that data gets buffered.

One of the simplest ways to check your network connection is to ensure none of your cables have been crimped, bent, or disconnected from the source.

Assess Your Cables For Damage:

Anyone who has phoned their internet service provider knows that the first step they take in troubleshooting your connection is to inspect your wires. They will make sure all necessary connections are made, and there are no cables that are visibly damaged.

This process will take a while or sometimes get done very quickly. It generally depends upon your network, business, and office size. However, if a single cable is broken or unplugged, all other troubleshooting will go for nothing.

Examine Router Settings:

You must set the compatible router with the correct configuration and optimization. Configuration of your router is essential when using and relying on Cloud Telephony for communications.

Of course, most of the router providers in the market guarantee their product for a period of time. Still, it’s crucial to check whether your router has the required features and setups so that you can scale your business phone connections and permit the right flow of data.

Although each router configuration has unique details, most of them have a similar structure and will allow the same modifications.

Reset the Router:

While the specifications vary depending on the model, resetting your router can be done by pressing a Reset button. Another way to do this is by just unplugging the router’s phone cables and waiting for about 60 seconds. Now, you can reconnect the hardware. 

Probably, you will not find any problems in the router functions after restarting and re-establishing a connection. Unfortunately, many times things are not that straightforward.

Quality of the Service:

Most routers contain a quality service option accessible through the router’s administration interface. It serves to streamline data flow and guarantee that there is proper bandwidth that suits making and receiving calls. Typically, QoS configuration can be located in your router’s administration interface.

Like discussed above, there are some routers that try to keep things as straightforward as possible. They allow users to change their QoS by selecting the respective category. Besides, they are typically labeled similarly to voice, video, or other applications by simply adjusting the priority of their category.

By doing as such, bandwidth concerns will be delegated to connections with lower priority, ensuring that your business phone network continues accessing the internet.

Forwarding Ports:

In order to complete the procedure, you must select a protocol that is precise. The protocol needed may change depending on the device, configuration, and use case. This port will then be assigned to one particular device. Also, it cannot be used for any other devices. However, there is a possibility to open more ports, one for each device.

Employ a Dual-Band Router:

Cloud telephony requires the usage of a dual-band router on priority. So, if you are planning for a new router in the market and find a weak link after trying some typical troubleshooting methods, you can purchase one.

Corporate users designate wireless clients to use a variety of bands for many use cases. This is the capability of a dual-band router that can easily broadcast at both 2.4 and 5GHZ frequencies. Also, this helps in preventing network congestion.

In addition, the faster frequency of 5GHz allows reduced interference and the possibility of a dedicated channel just for cloud-based communication.

Reduce Packet Loss:

This must be known to the business phone users that packet loss won’t result in a complete network failure. But, the fact must be addressed that it is one of the more frequent reasons for internet calls to be dropped, interrupted, or sometimes choppy.

This issue can result in a lot of jitters and call lag during video chats. Suppose the problem arose on the service provider side, the issue will not be in your control, and it is not possible to stop data packet loss. Still, users can hunt down the cause of their pauses by understanding cloud-calling network issues and their causes.

Some users use a third-party test to examine their network speeds. They can identify the packet loss about how much data or voice packets are lost while transmitted through the network. However, a speed test can help identify any voice quality problems.


To summarize the blog, the above-mentioned issues are the most common issues users face. But, there might be more complicated problems that the user cannot troubleshoot. In such a situation, contacting your business phone service provider and the internet service provider for additional troubleshooting support is better. 

Still, getting to know the frequent issues in your business communication and the primary ways to troubleshoot them will help you save valuable time that could be spent waiting for support. To know more about troubleshooting in cloud phone network or for a free demo.

Vitel Global India promises the highest uptime simple system administration and quick addition of new members from anywhere in the world. Additionally, all of your staff can connect easily regardless of the devices they each use. Why not request a demo today?


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